Wednesday, July 8, 2015


The brokenness we see in our world, mirrors the brokenness within ourselves, yet we often ignore the latter in trying to fix the former. 

Most often we disregard that which is broken in us, or we choose, instead, to numb ourselves to it in search of escape. 

This ignorance causes us, unknowingly or not, to sow more broken seeds to the world, thus creating the viscous cycle we so desperately want to remedy.

Rarely does the brokenness we see around us magnify that which is within our hearts and we take notice. 

To those in which this does happen, consider it a gift. You have come to realize the real source of all that is wrong in the world.

We are a broken people.

We must look upon that which is wrong within us and, instead of running from it, we should seek to rectify it. 

We all should seek to renew that which is broken in ourselves first and foremost. 

Once this is done, we must then pursue helping others heal from their own seen, or unseen, brokenness because we ourselves have first come to understand what it means to be broken and have found the solution to becoming whole. 

For many of us, our brokenness is different, but for a lot of us it may also be the same. This is why we not only need to face our own brokenness, but once we find healing we should seek to help those who may be broken just like us. 

Healing may come differently for different people and many of us know too well time does not always heal all wounds. 

I personally have found my hope and healing in the man Jesus Christ and believe Him to be the only true path to complete wholeness. 

For some that may not be what you want to find wholeness from, but this should not deter you from seeking healing for yourselves and then for others. Sans Jesus, do what you can with what you have and then choose help others wade through their mess as well. 

Once we all put this to practice, all that is wrong in the world should slowly, but surely, become mended. 

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